
Return currency information

Date Released: Oct 25th 2013 Date Updated: Oct 25th 2013
{URI}/currency/ GET |  PUT |  POST

{URI} is when connecting to the cloud or the address of the machine hosting the API when connecting on premise.

The elements list below details information for Currency. To view the descriptions for the elements you can either hover any attribute to reveal details or click here to show all details inline.

Attribute Details

    • Code string,null
    • Type: string,null
    • Name string,null
    • Type: string,null
    • Symbol string,null
    • Type: string,null
    • BuyRate number
    • Type: number
    • SellRate number
    • Type: number
    • Rel string,null
    • Type: string,null
    • Title string,null
    • Type: string,null
    • Id string
    • Type: string
    • Href string,null
    • Type: string,null

Example json GET response

  • {
    • code : NZD
    • name : NEW ZEALAND
    • symbol : $
    • buyrate : 1
    • sellrate : 1
    • id : 0
    • href : {URI}/currency/0
  • }

{URI} is defined as: