Feeds Endpoint

Understanding how the Feeds endpoint works.

Date Released: May 2023 Date Updated: May 2023

The Transactions API Feeds endpoint provides the ability to create, query and cancel feeds.

Supported Method Description HTTP Status Codes


A financial institutions can retrieve the current status of all bank feeds for a given account (by externalId)

200 |  403 |  500 |  503


A financial institution can request to establish bank feed connection. A new bank feed will be created if no prior feed exists. If a previously cancelled feed existed between the financial institution account and the business ledger, then this cancelled feed will be re-activated.

201 |  207 |  400 |  404 |  422 |  500 |  503


A financial institution can request to remove bank feed connection for a specific bank account. All bank feeds from the financial institution for that bank account will be cancelled and no further transaction data will be made available to any business ledgers the account had been linked to.

204 |  404 |  500 |  503

API Response Codes & Error Messages

200 OK

Description:  When one or more bank feeds associated with the specified account exist and are retrieved.

Context:  Response can contain empty array when no bank feeds associated with the specified account exist, or multiple bank feeds if accounts are connected to multiple business ledgers.

See Feed endpoints page for the GET response samples
201 Created

Description:  When the request is validated and successfully processed.

Context:  All accounts to be connected in the request have been processed, a response with the result of the operation should be expected.

See Feed endpoints page for POST response samples
204 No Content

Description:  When a request to cancel all bank feeds associated with the specified account (externalId) is processed.

Context:  No response body, returns a HTTP status code 204 (No Content) only.

207 Multi-Status

Description:  When a request is validated and processed but not all accounts are onboarded.

Context:  One or more accounts provided in the request has associated feeds that have been created, however one or more of the accounts does not have associated feeds created due to error(s).

See Feed endpoints page for POST response samples
400 Bad Request

Description:  When request body is malformatted, missing the required fields such as applicationId & accountDetails or a single account contains violated fields.

Context:  Response contains a single error object in the errorDetails field stating the violation or error description.

Response type:  Single Error Message

Description:  When multiple specified accounts (externalIds) have violated fields in request.

Response type:  Multiple Error Message

403 Forbidden

Description:  When a financial institution is not enabled to access this Transaction API endpoint.

Response type:  Single Error Message

422 Unprocessable Content

Description:  When a request is validated and processed but no accounts are onboarded.

Context:  No accounts provided in the request have associated feeds created due to each of them having error(s).

See Feed endpoints page for POST response samples
500 Internal Server Error

Description:  When Transaction API is experiencing an internal error.

Response type:  Single Error Message

503 Service Unavailable

Description:  When Transaction API is unable to process requests due to an affiliated service being unavailable.

Response type:  Single Error Message


Error Response Attribute

  • titleString
  • Title of the error message
  • statusString
  • The returned HTTP status code
  • errorsArray
  • Contains one or many error objects
  • externalIdString
  • Unique financial institution account number
  • errorDetailsString
  • Detailed error description

Single Error Message samples

When a financial institution is not enabled to access this Transaction API endpoint.

  • {
  • "title" : "Forbidden",
  • "status" : 403,
  • "errors" : [
    • {
      • "errorDetails" : "Institution not configured to use this endpoint"
      • }
    • ]
  • }

When a request has required fields that contain invalid value in one account, an element in the “errors” array will present the related externalId and the details of any invalid field violations.

  • {
  • "title" : "Invalid payload for feed creation request",
  • "status" : 400,
  • "errors" : [
    • {
      • "externalId" : "ty79v3-452iU-7op81z-AwMDIxMj"
      • "errorDetails" : "accountType: Field must not be blank, accountName: Field is required"
      • }
    • ]
  • }

Multiple Error Message samples

Where multiple specified accounts (externalIds) have violated fields, details of any field violations for each account are presented as an element in the “errors” array.

  • {
  • "title" : "Invalid payload for feed creation request",
  • "status" : 400,
  • "errors" : [
      • {
      • "externalId" : "ty79v3-452iU-7op81z-AwMDIxMj"
      • "errorDetails" : "accountNumber: Field must not be blank"
      • },
      • {
      • "externalId" : "tyf6q4-d6bnd8-7op81z-JI4gHm"
      • "errorDetails" : "bsb: Must be 6 digits and in either xxxxxx or xxx-xxx format, accountType: Exceeds character limit of 13"
      • }
    • ]
  • }