Return all purchase order types.
Date Released: Sep 2014 Date Updated: Jan 2022
Please note: While accessibility via the API is available to both AccountRight and new Essentials files. Not all features will be displayed in Product for new Essentials
The elements list below details information for Order. To view the descriptions for the elements you can either hover any attribute to reveal details or click here to show all details inline.
Items shown with are required when posting or puting data
Items shown with are read-only elements
Attribute Details
- UIDGuid (36)
- Unique guid identifier created for a purchase order.
- Number String (13)
- Purchase order number
- DateDateTime
- Transaction date entry, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS { 'Date': '2014-08-11 00:00:00' }
- SupplierInvoiceNumberString (255)
- Supplier invoice number.
- Supplier
- The following set of information pulls through details for the supplier contact
- UIDGuid (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique guid identifier belonging to the supplier assigned to the purchase order.
- NameString (30)
- Name of the supplier contact.
- DisplayIDString (15)
- Supplier contact card id.
- URIString
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the supplier object.
- ShipToAddressString (255)
- ShipTo address of the purchase order.
- Terms
- The following set of information pulls through supplier payment terms.
- PaymentIsDueString
- Default Terms of Payment definitions:
- DiscountDate Integer
- If PaymentIsDue = CashOnDelivery, PrePaid, InAGivenNumberOfDaysNumber or NumberOfDaysAfterEOM then set the number of days within which payments must be made to receive discounts.
If PaymentIsDue = OnADayOfTheMonth or DayOfMonthAfterEOM then set the day of the month within which the payment must be made to receive discounts. - BalanceDueDate Integer
- If PaymentIsDue = CashOnDelivery, PrePaid, InAGivenNumberOfDaysNumber or NumberOfDaysAfterEOM then set the number of days within which payments must be made.
If PaymentIsDue = OnADayOfTheMonth or DayOfMonthAfterEOM then set the day of the month within which payments must be made. - DiscountForEarlyPayment Double (99.99%)
- % discount for early payment.
- DiscountExpiryDateDateTime
- Date in which payment must be paid in full in order to receive discount, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS { 'Date': '2013-09-10 00:00:00' }
- DiscountDecimal (13.2)
- Discount amount that will apply if payment is made in full by the discount date.
- DueDateDateTime
- Date in which payment is due, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS { 'Date': '2014-09-10 00:00:00' }
- IsTaxInclusiveBoolean
- True indicates the transaction is set to tax inclusive.
False indicates the transaction is not tax inclusive. - IsReportableBoolean
- ONLY applicable for AU region.
True indicates the transaction is reportable taxable payment.
Falseindicates the transaction is not reportable taxable payment.
What are taxable payments? - SubtotalDecimal (13.2)
- If IsTaxInclusive = false then sum of all tax exclusive line amounts.
If IsTaxInclusive = true then sum of all tax inclusive line amounts. - FreightDecimal (13.2)
- Tax inclusive freight amount applicable to the purchase order.
- FreightTaxCode
- The following set of information pulls through the details for freight Tax Codes
- UID GUID (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique freight tax code identifier in the form of a guid
- Code String (3)
- 3 digit code assigned to the freight tax code.
- URI String
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the freight tax code object.
- TotalTaxDecimal (13.2)
- Total of all tax amounts applicable to the purchase order.
- TotalAmountDecimal (13.2)
- Total amount of the purchase order.
- Category
- The following outlines the category information for this puchase order.
- UID GUID (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique guid identifier belonging to the category assigned to the purchase order.
- Name String (30)
- Name of the category
- DisplayID String (15)
- Display id for the category
- URI String
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the category object
- JournalMemoString (255)
- Journal memo text describing the purchase order.
- AppliedToDateDecimal (13.2)
- Amount currently applied to the purchase order.
- BalanceDueAmountDecimal (13.2)
- Amount still payable on the purchase order.
- StatusString
- Purchase Order status:
ConvertedToBill - LastPaymentDateDateTime
- The most recent payment on the order, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- OrderTypeOrderType
- Order layout type:
Miscellaneous - ForeignCurrency
- Null if no foreign currency is set.
- UIDGuid (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique identifier for the currency in the form of a guid.
- CodeString (3)
- The currency code.
- CurrencyNameString
- The full name of the currency
- URIString
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the currency object.
- URIString
- Uniform resource identifier encompasses all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the web.
- RowVersionString
- Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time.
Paging: default page size is set to 400 with a maximum of 1000 results.
Example json GET response
- {
- "UID" : "c4h9e7cf-c1d9-46fa-8ca1-1613c8f4acb8",
- "Number" : "00000579",
- "Date" : "2014-08-21T00:00:00.000",
- "SupplierInvoiceNumber" : "AAA000005899766",
- "Supplier" : {
- "UID" : "a1ea92fd-8f22-4be6-992c-4e078871091e",
- "Name" : "Clear & Bright Filters",
- "DisplayID" : "SUPP000002",
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/Contact/Supplier/a1ea92fd-8f22-4be6-992c-4e078871091e"
- },
- "ShipToAddress" : "Clearwater Pty. Ltd. 25 Spring Street Blackburn VIC 3130",
- "Terms" : {
- "PaymentIsDue" : "DayOfMonthAfterEOM",
- "DiscountDate" : 1,
- "BalanceDueDate" : 30,
- "DiscountForEarlyPayment" : 2,
- "DiscountExpiryDate" : "2014-09-01T00:00:00",
- "Discount" : 2,
- "DueDate" : "2014-09-30T00:00:00"
- },
- "IsTaxInclusive" : true,
- "IsReportable" : false,
- "Subtotal" : 270.00,
- "Freight" : 10,
- "FreightTaxCode" : {
- "UID" : "38a37ae8-565c-46f8-ad4a-2a87069607f8",
- "Code" : "GST",
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/GeneralLedger/TaxCode/38a37ae8-565c-46f8-ad4a-2a87069607f8"
- },
- "TotalTax" : 28.53,
- "TotalAmount" : 308.53,
- "Category" : {
- "UID" : "b211a2a3-0be9-477c-940e-1c8bac139cf1",
- "Name" : "Victoria",
- "DisplayID" : "API101",
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/GeneralLedger/Category/b211a2a3-0be9-477c-940e-1c8bac139cf1"
- },
- "JournalMemo" : "Purchase; Clear & Bright Filters",
- "AppliedToDate" : 0,
- "BalanceDueAmount" : 308.53,
- "Status" : "Open",
- "LastPaymentDate" : null,
- "OrderType" : "Item",
- "ForeignCurrency" : null,
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/Purchase/Order/Item/c4h9e7cf-c1d9-46fa-8ca1-1613c8f4acb8",
- "RowVersion" : "8330251935751864320"
- }
The {cf_uri} is provided by the businessId
parameter as described