Getting Started

  Date Updated: Apr 2023

So you want to integrate with the MYOB Business API - fantastic. Lets walk through what you need to do to get up and developing against our API.


Get API Access

The first thing you'll need to do is sign up for API access. Do that by clicking the button below


Get your API Keys

Once you have access, you'll need to register your 'app' and receive an API Key and API Secret. You do this via the my.MYOB portal.


Start Coding

Now you have access & keys, check out our documentation and SDK to get you up and running fast.

What product to connect?

AccountRight, Essentials or MYOB Business?

As of May 2020, MYOB is in the process of progressively upgrading existing customers to Essentials/MYOB Business that is built on the same platform as AccountRight. Therefore support for the Old Essentials API will be dependent on the migration of individual Essentials clients. Once a file has been upgraded to the new version of Essentials, it will no longer be able to use the Old Essentials API.

Both AccountRight, Essentials and MYOB Business integrate with the API, yet it is important to understand which product you are to integrate with. The API endpoints accessibility remains the same for both products, but there are functionality/features that are only visible in AccountRight UI, but not in the Essentials UI.

MYOB Business will replace our MYOB Essentials and MYOB AccountRight product lines for new customers in Australia

Step one: Access the API depends on the file location:

http://[IP ADDRESS OF COMPUTER TO ACCESS]:8080/accountright/

Step two: A read-only property UIAccessFlags could return one of below values depending on the product type:

   0. Local AccountRight
   2. Essentials
   3. AccountRight & AccountRight Browser

How to access?

Connecting to the API Online

Before you can start working on a new app, or make your existing app work with the Online API, you first need to register your app and receive an API key, and an API secret. These are used when authenticating your application and are set in the headers for all calls to the API.

Follow these steps to get started with the AccountRight Online API:

Applying for your key:

  1. Enter your details to register for API Access
  2. We'll create a MYOB login, which will give you access to my.MYOB (If you own any MYOB Product you will already have an my.MYOB login, please let us know this in your registration)
  3. We will invite you to a sandbox company file, you’ll need your my.MYOB password to accept the invitation
  4. Click on the Developer tab, then click the Register App button
  5. Enter your app's details, including the app's name and redirect URL, then click Register App
  6. The API key and secret for your app are generated and displayed on the page, along with information about app usage, quotas and limits

Accessing the Online API

Now that you have your Access Keys you need to access the Online API. Just like the desktop above it's pretty straight forward.

Before anything happens you'll need to authenticate, which allows the user of your app to assign access permissions to your application. This is done using OAuth Authentication and the steps are spelled out on our authentication page.

Once you have your access token, simply set the headers on every call, and pass these as you make the calls to the URLs you are requesting.

If you want to connect to the desktop API, check out our Knowledgebase article here - Connecting to the Desktop API.