Return an inventoried item location information.
Date Released: Feb 2020 Date Updated: Dec 2020
Please note: While accessibility via the API is available to both AccountRight and new Essentials files. Not all features will be displayed in Product for new Essentials or the AccountRight Browser.
The elements list below details information for Location. To view the descriptions for the elements you can either hover any attribute to reveal details or click here to show all details inline.
Items shown with are required when posting or puting data
Items shown with are read-only elements
Attribute Details
- UIDGuid (36)
- Unique location identifier in the form of a guid.
- IdentifierString (10)
- Identifier of the location.
- NameString (30)
- Name for an individual location.
- IsActiveBoolean
- True indicates the location is active.
False indicates the location is inactive.
- CanSellBoolean
- True indicates items inventoried in the location can be sold.
False indicates items inventoried in the location can not be sold.
- NotesString
- Notes for the location.
- Address
- The following set of information pulls through details for a location address
- Location Integer
- One location can have one address record.
- Street String (255)
- Full content of Address field.
- City String (255)
- City of address record.
- State String (255)
- State of address record.
- PostCode String (11)
- Postcode of address record.
- Country String (255)
- Country of location for address record.
- Phone1 String (21)
- Phone number 1 of address record.
- Phone2 String (21)
- Phone number 2 of address record.
- Phone3 String (21)
- Phone number 3 of address record.
- Fax String (21)
- Fax number of address record.
- Email String (255)
- Email contact of address record.
- Website String (255)
- World wide web address for contact.
- ContactName String (25)
- Contact Name on address record.
- Salutation String (15)
- Salutation text for address record.
- URIString
- Uniform resource identifier encompasses all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the web.
- RowVersionString
- Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time.
Paging: default page size is set to 400 with a maximum of 5000 results (contacts only).
Example json GET response
- {
- "UID" : "c3a3621a-9248-4344-abe7-9d2511ed5dfa",
- "Identifier" : "MYOB",
- "Name" : "MYOB Location",
- "IsIndividual" : true,
- "DisplayID" : "CUS000001",
- "IsActive" : true,
- "CanSell" : true,
- "Notes" : "Location information cane be entered here",
- "Address" : {
- "Location" : 1,
- "Street" : "5/76 Readen Road",
- "City" : "St Kilda",
- "State" : "VIC",
- "PostCode" : "3024",
- "Country" : "Australia",
- "Phone1" : "03 9567 3453",
- "Phone2" : "03 9533 2256",
- "Phone3" : "03 9534 2345",
- "Fax" : "03 8934 4543",
- "Email" : "Davis@yahoo.com.au",
- "Website" : "www.myob.com.au",
- "ContactName" : "Simon",
- "Salutation" : "Hello"
- },
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/Inventory/Location/c3a3621a-9248-4344-abe7-9d2511ed5dfa",
- "RowVersion" : "-2085166627472539648"
- }
The {cf_uri} is provided by the businessId
parameter as described