Return, update, create and delete Miscellaneous type purchase bills.
Date Released: Sep 2013 Date Updated: Jan 2022
Please note: Transactions created with this layout are currently supported in read-only mode in new Essentials.
Please note: While accessibility via the API is available to both AccountRight and new Essentials files. Not all features will be displayed in Product for new Essentials
Attribute Details
- UIDGuid (36)
- Unique guid identifier created for a miscellaneous purchase bill.
ONLY required for updating an existing miscellaneous purchase bill.
NOT required when creating a new miscellaneous purchase bill. - Number String (13)
- Purchase bill number
- DateDateTime
- Transaction date entry, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS { 'Date': '2013-09-10 13:33:02' }
- SupplierInvoiceNumberString (255)
- Supplier invoice number.
- Supplier
- The following set of information pulls through details for the Supplier contact
- UIDGuid (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique guid identifier belonging to the supplier assigned to the purchase bill.
- NameString (30)
- Name of the supplier.
- DisplayIDString (15)
- Supplier contact Card ID, can also be used as a unique supplier contact identifier.
- URIString
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the supplier object.
- Terms
- The following set of information pulls through supplier payment terms.
Please note: When posting a new purchase bill, if you do not set the terms, default payment terms from the supplier contact card will be substituted instead.
- PaymentIsDueString
- Default Terms of Payment definitions:
- DiscountDate Integer
- If PaymentIsDue = CashOnDelivery, PrePaid, InAGivenNumberOfDaysNumber or NumberOfDaysAfterEOM then set the number of days within which payments must be made to receive discounts.
If PaymentIsDue = OnADayOfTheMonth or DayOfMonthAfterEOM then set the day of the month within which the payment must be made to receive discounts. - BalanceDueDate Integer
- If PaymentIsDue = CashOnDelivery, PrePaid, InAGivenNumberOfDaysNumber or NumberOfDaysAfterEOM then set the number of days within which payments must be made.
If PaymentIsDue = OnADayOfTheMonth or DayOfMonthAfterEOM then set the day of the month within which payments must be made. - DiscountForEarlyPayment Double (99.99%)
- % discount for early payment.
- MonthlyChargeForLatePayment Double (99.99%)
- % monthly charge for late payment.
- DiscountExpiryDateDateTime
- Date in which payment must be paid in full in order to receive discount, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS { 'Date': '2013-09-10 00:00:00' }
- DiscountDecimal (13.2)
- Discount amount that will apply if payment is made in full by the discount date.
- DueDateDateTime
- Date in which payment is due, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS { 'Date': '2014-09-10 00:00:00' }
- IsTaxInclusiveBoolean
- True indicates the transaction is tax inclusive with Total values to be keyed in tax-inclusive.
False indicates the transaction is not tax inclusive with Total values to be keyed in tax-exclusive. - IsReportableBoolean
True indicates the transaction is reportable taxable payment.
False indicates the transaction is not reportable taxable payment.
What are taxable payments? - Lines []
- An array of line bill information
- RowID Integer
- Sequence of the entry within the miscellaneous purchase set.
REQUIRED only when passing the RowVersion for updating an existing miscellaneous bill line. - TypeString
- Bill line type, can consist of the following:
Transaction - All fields detailed in Lines array are consumable.
Header - Only allows you to POST to Description element.
Subtotal - Calculated value that is read-only. - DescriptionString (1000)
- Description text for the purchase line.
- Account
- The following set of information pulls through details for an Account
- UIDGuid (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique identifier for the account in the form of a guid.
- NameString (30)
- Account name belonging to the account record.
- DisplayIDString (6)
- Account code format includes separator ie 1-1100{ 'DisplayID': '1-1200' }
- URIString
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the account object.
- TotalDecimal (13.2)
- Total amount for the line only.
- Job
- The following set of information pulls through the details for a job
- UID GUID (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique guid identifier belonging to the job for the line.
- Number String (30)
- Number assigned to the job
- Name String (30)
- Name assigned to the job
- URI String
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the job object
- TaxCode
- The following set of information pulls through the details for the Tax Code
- UID GUID (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique tax code identifier in the form of a guid
- Code String (3)
- 3 digit code assigned to the tax code.
- URI String
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the tax code object.
- RowVersion String
- ONLY required on PUT for updating an existing miscellaneous purchase bill line.
NOT required when creating a new miscellaneous purchase bill.
- SubtotalDecimal (13.2)
- If IsTaxInclusive = false then sum of all tax exclusive line amounts.
If IsTaxInclusive = true then sum of all tax inclusive line amounts.
- TotalTaxDecimal (13.2)
- Total of all tax amounts applicable to the purchase bill.
- TotalAmountDecimal (13.2)
- Total amount of the purchase bill.
- Category
- The following outlines the category information for the puchase bill.
- UID GUID (36)
- Foreign Key: Unique guid identifier belonging to the category assigned to the purchase bill
- Name String (30)
- Name of the category
- DisplayID String (15)
- Display id for the category
- URI String
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the category object
- JournalMemoString (255)
- Journal memo text describing the bill.
- AppliedToDateDecimal (13.2)
- All amounts currently applied to the purchase bill.
- BalanceDueAmountDecimal (13.2)
- Amount still payable on the purchase bill.
- StatusString
- Invoice status:
- LastPaymentDateDateTime
- The most recent bill payment, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
- Order
- REQUIRED ONLY if converting an existing miscellaneous purchase order to a bill. For details visit here.
Please note: This field will default to null for any new miscellaneous purchase bill created without an order conversion.
- UIDGuid (36)
- REQUIRED ONLY if converting an existing miscellaneous purchase order to a bill.
Foreign Key: Unique purchase order identifier in the form of a guid. - NumberString (8)
- Purchase order number.
- URIString
- Uniform resource identifier associated with the purchase order object.
- URIString
- Uniform resource identifier encompasses all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the web.
- RowVersionString
- Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time.
ONLY required for updating an existing miscellaneous purchase bill.
NOT required when creating a new miscellaneous purchase bill.
Paging: default page size is set to 400 with a maximum of 1000 results.
Example json GET response
- {
- "UID" : "a96e2635-0931-4781-8756-011c2c3c9290",
- "Number" : "PJ000012",
- "Date" : "2014-08-11T00:00:00",
- "SupplierInvoiceNumber" : "AAA000005899869",
- "Supplier" : {
- "UID" : "9884b884-e08e-4d17-99c6-1b3c4a5b312d",
- "Name" : "Curbys Super Stands",
- "DisplayID" : "SUPP000003",
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/Contact/Supplier/9884b884-e08e-4d17-99c6-1b3c4a5b312d"
- },
- "Terms" : {
- "PaymentIsDue" : "DayOfMonthAfterEOM",
- "DiscountDate" : 1,
- "BalanceDueDate" : 30,
- "DiscountForEarlyPayment" : 0
- "MonthlyChargeForLatePayment" : 0,
- "DiscountExpiryDate" : "2014-09-01T00:00:00",
- "Discount" : 0,
- "DueDate" : "2014-09-30T00:00:00"
- },
- "IsTaxInclusive" : true,
- "IsReportable" : false,
- "Lines" : [
- "RowID" : 67,
- "Type" : "Transaction",
- "Description" : "Purchase of new Sofa",
- "Account" : {
- "UID" : "3f3bfe41-1a1d-4eae-9f1e-eb99566e9687",
- "Name" : "F & F - At Cost",
- "DisplayID" : "1-2110",
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/GeneralLedger/Account/3f3bfe41-1a1d-4eae-9f1e-eb99566e9687"
- },
- "Total" : 1250,
- "Job" : {
- "UID" : "b3af77fa-93d5-4c0f-8346-d81be0804f4c",
- "Number" : "117",
- "Name" : "Maintenance GM",
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/GeneralLedger/Job/b3af77fa-93d5-4c0f-8346-d81be0804f4c"
- },
- "TaxCode" : {
- "UID" : "38a37ae8-565c-46f8-ad4a-2a87069607f8",
- "Code" : "GST",
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/GeneralLedger/TaxCode/38a37ae8-565c-46f8-ad4a-2a87069607f8"
- },
- "RowVersion" : "8172062998840475648"
- }
- ],
- "Subtotal" : 1250,
- "TotalTax" : 113.64,
- "TotalAmount" : 1250,
- "Category" : null,
- "JournalMemo" : "Purchase; Curbys Super Stands",
- "AppliedToDate" : 1000,
- "BalanceDueAmount" : 250,
- "Status" : "Open",
- "LastPaymentDate" : null,
- "Order" : null,
- "URI" : "{cf_uri}/Purchase/Bill/Miscellaneous/a96e2635-0931-4781-8756-011c2c3c9290",
- "RowVersion" : "8466204349503111168"
- }
The {cf_uri} is provided by the businessId
parameter as described