Returns a report of the total number of coded and uncoded transactions
URL | Supports |
/{cf_uri}/Report/TransactionCodingSummary | GET | PUT | POST | DELETE |
This endpoint will return the last 24 months of data relating to Bankfeed Transactions that are in the AccountRight file, which are grouped by year and month. The {number_of_month} is the place that the month sits in the year. |
The elements list below details information for TransactionCodingSummary. To view the descriptions for the elements you can either hover any attribute to reveal details or click here to show all details inline.
Items shown with are required when posting or puting data
Items shown with are read-only elements
Paging: default page size is set to 400 with a maximum of 1000 results.
The {cf_uri} is provided by the businessId
parameter as described
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